How to Engage our Core? | Premium Contents

Engage your core, draw your navel close to the spine, tighten up your corset! If you are struggling to understand what all these means, this series is for you. If you are a beginner, learning how to engage your core will serve you well because every movement that we perform in a Pilates session will involve engaging our core. I believe that everyone will benefit from learning how to engage their core (the deepest layer Transversus Abdominis), whether during a workout or even in our day to day movements.

This series is designed in a way where it is broken down into sections, so that you can revisit the required section over and over again until you are able to engage your deep core muscle, the Transversus Abdominis (TA). We highly recommend that you begin from Section 1 and work your way up so that you completely understand the whole series.

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